〒772-8510 徳島県鳴門市撫養町大桑島字濘岩浜48-1 088-685-8111(ボートレース鳴門)
神戸淡路鳴門自動車道 鳴門北ICから約8分/神戸から約80分、大阪から約120分


見どころいっぱい! 歴史的な建造物から、

In addition to its famous whirlpools,Naruto is full of magnificent sights! From historical buildings to stunning natural landscapes,let us be your guide!

  • 1


    German Bridge

    大麻比古神社近くにある紅葉の名所、丸山公園の小さな谷川に架かる長さ9.6mの石積みの橋。「板東俘虜収容所」に暮らしていたドイツ兵捕虜が、当時日本にはなかった石積みの技術を用いて地元住民のために造り上げた。 住所:鳴門市大麻町板東 問い合わせ:088-684-1157(鳴門市観光振興課)

    Near Ōasahiko Shrine this bridge of 9.6 meters runs over a small stream in Maruyama Park in an area famous for its autumn leaves. The bridge was built for local residents by the German POWs living in the Bando POW Camp using stone masonry techniques that were completely new to Japan. Address: Oasacho Bando, Naruto-shi Inquiries: 088-684-1157 (Naruto City Tourism Promotion Dept.)

  • 2


    German House

    1917年から20年までの3年間、大麻町の「板東俘虜収容所」で暮らしたドイツ兵捕虜と地元の人々との交流の様子を後世に伝えるために建てられた。映像、模型、ジオラマ、ロボットなどを通して楽しみながら見学できる。 住所:鳴門市大麻町桧字東山田55-2 電話:088-689-0099 開館:9:30~17:00(入館は16:30まで) 休日:第4月曜(祝日の場合翌日)、12/28~12/31 料金:大人400円 小・中学生100円 割引:20人以上団体割引有

    This location was built in order to convey to future generations what occurred between the German POWs who lived at the Bando POW Camp in Oasacho and the locals during the three years from 1917 to 1920. Here you can visit and enjoy a variety of videos, models, dioramas, robots, as well as other displays. Address: Higashiyamada-55-2 Ōasachōhinoki, Naruto-shi TEL: 088-689-0099 Open: 9:30-17:00 (no entry after 16:30) Closed: 4th Monday of the month (or following day if that day is a holiday), 12/28-12/31 Cost: Adults ¥400, Elem. & JHS Students ¥100; Discount: available for groups of 20+

  • 3

    四国霊場第一番札所 霊山寺

    1st Temple of the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage: Ryōzen-ji

    弘法大師が修業として行脚した四国八十八カ所霊場の出発点となる寺で、約1,300年前に行基菩薩が開創したとされる。境内には美しい日本庭園や、願いを叶えてくれる観音像などがあり、一年中お遍路さんの姿が絶えない。 住所:鳴門市大麻町板東字塚鼻126 電話:088-689-1111 開館:7:00~17:00( 納経印扱い時間)

    Kobo Daishi designated this temple as the starting place for the Shikoku pilgrimage that includes 88 temples, and was founded around 1300 years ago by the Bodhisattva, Gyōki. There is a gorgeous Japanese garden on the grounds, as well as a statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy, that can grant wishes. Year round visitors come to see these as well as other treasures at the temple. Address: Tsukahana-126 Ōaachō Bandō, Naruto-shi TEL: 088-689-1111 Open: 7:00-17:00 (when temple seal/nōkyōin are available)

  • 4

    四国霊場第二番札所 極楽寺

    2nd Temple of the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage: Gokuraku-ji

    境内は三方を山に囲まれた閑静な佇まい。朱塗りの仁王門をくぐると極楽浄土をイメージさせる庭園が広がる。石段上にある本堂右奥の大師堂には「安産大師」と呼ばれる大師像があり、安産祈願に霊験があるとされる。 住所:鳴門市大麻町桧字段の上12 電話:088-689-1112 開館:7:00~17:00( 納経印扱い時間)

    hese temple grounds are surrounded on three sides by mountains, giving them a tranquil resonance. The gardens of the temple spread out as you pass under the red temple gate, conjuring an image of paradise. Up stone steps waits the main hall where Kobo Daishi is enshrined in a statue known as "Anzan Daishi," and is prayed to for safe birth. Address: Dannoue-12 Ōasachō, Naruto-shi Phone: 088-689-1112 Open: 7:00-17:00 (when temple seal/nōkyōin are available)

  • 5


    Ōasahiko Shrine

    「徳島県下一の社格を誇る大社。木立に囲まれた境内は荘厳な雰囲気に包まれており、樹齢1000 年とされるご神木の大楠は、鳴門市の天然記念物に指定されている。参拝者の中には、四国遍路出発前に、旅の安全を祈願するお遍路さんの姿も見られる。」 住所:鳴門市大麻町板東字広塚13 電話:088-689-1212 開館:6:00~17:00

    This is a famous, nationally-recognized shrine that Tokushima Prefecture is very proud of. Surrounded by trees, the grounds are enwrapped in a solemn, majestic atmosphere, and the divine camphor tree has stood for over 1,000 years̶a natural monument of Naruto. Some pilgrims setting out on the Shikoku pilgrimage can be seen coming here to pray for a safe journey. Address: Hirozuka-13 Ōasachō Bandō, Naruto-shi TEL: 088-689-1212 Open: 6:00-17:00

  • 6


    Uchinoumi Sea (Naruto Skyline)

    ウチノ海の北側を走る鳴門スカイラインからの眺めは表情豊か。 スカイライン中ほどの四方見展望台からの眺めは、まさに360°の大パノラマ。ウチノ海の南側には、多様な楽しみ方ができる「ウチノ海総合公園」がある。 住所:鳴門市鳴門町高島字北679(鳴門ウチノ海総合公園) 電話:088-687-3175 営業:6:00~22:00(施設により異なる) 休日:パークセンターは火曜(祝日の場合は翌日)、4月・5月・9月~11月は火曜も営業、12月29日~1月3日は休

    The Naruto skyline running along the north side of the Uchinoumi has a rich character. Near the center of the skyline is an observation deck that looks out in all directions, allowing you to take in a tremendous 360 ° panorama. On the south side of the Uchinoumi there are a variety of things to enjoy at the Naruto Uchinoumi Park. Address: Kita-679 Narutochō Takashima, Naruto-shi (Naruto Uchinoumi Park) Phone: 088-687-3175 Open: 6:00-22:00 (varies by facility) Closed: Park Center: Tues. (or day after a Tues. holiday); open on Tues. in Apr., May, & Sept. to Nov.; closed Dec. 29th to Jan. 3rd

  • 7


    Hanamiyama-Kokoro no Tegami Hall

    鳴門海峡・大鳴門橋・淡路島を一望するビュースポット。しだれ桜やツヅジ、もみじ、黄梅、サザンカなど四季折々の花が楽しめる。同館では、来館者の希望に応じ、手紙を1~5年までの希望する年月に宛先へ届けてくれる。 住所:鳴門市鳴門町土佐泊浦字大毛234-35 電話:088-687-3555 開館:10:00~16:00 休日:火曜、年末年始ほか 料金:入館無料

    This spot overlooks the Naruto Strait, Ōnaruto Bridge, and Awaji Island. There are a variety of seasonal flowers to be enjoyed, such as the blossoms of the weeping cherry trees, rhododendrons, winter jasmine, sasanqua camellias, and others. At the hall, depending on your wishes, you can have a letter delivered to a destination of your choosing after one to five years. Address: Ōge-234 Narutochō Tosadomariura, Naruto-shi Phone: 088-687-3555 Open: 10:00-16:00 Closed: Tuesday, New Year holidays Prices: Free

  • 8


    Myōkensan Park

    妙見山の山頂周辺に整備された公園。園内には、鳴門市のシンボルである「トリーデなると」があり、施設内の展望台からは鳴門市内が一望できる。公園は桜の名所として知られ、春ともなれば多くの花見客でにぎわう。 住所:鳴門市撫養町林崎 電話:088-684-1157(鳴門市観光振興課) 開館:毎週土日祝日

    Myōkensan Park is built around the summit of Mt. Myōkensan. In the park is a symbol of Naruto, "Torīde Naruto," and the observatory there overlooks Naruto city. The park is known for its cherry blossoms, and in the spring people come from far and wide to take in trees’ beautiful flowers. Address: Muyacho Hayasaki, Naruto-shi Phone: 088-684-1157 (Naruto City Tourism Promotion Dept.) Open: Sat., Sun., & National Holidays

  • 9


    Ōtsuka Museum of Art

    古代から現代にいたる西洋美術史を代表する名画1000点余りを、陶板で原寸大に再現し展示する陶板名画美術館。約4㎞に及ぶ鑑賞ルートには、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチやゴッホ、ピカソなどの名画を一堂に展示。 住所:鳴門市鳴門町(鳴門公園内) 電話:088-687-3737 開館:9:30~17:00(入館16:00まで) 休日:月曜(祝日の場合は翌日)、その他特別休館あり 料金:一般3240円(前売3100円)、大学生2160円(前売2100円)、小中高生540円(前売520円) ※ 写真は大塚国際美術館の展示作品を撮影したものです

    This art museum exhibits over 1,000 full-size ceramic tiles that faithfully replicate masterworks representative of the art of Europe spanning from antiquity to modern day. The viewing course extends to about 4km, bringing together the masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, and Picasso, as well as others. Address: Narutochō, Naruto-shi (in Naruto Park) TEL: 088-687-3737 Open: 9:30-17:00 (no entry after 16:00) Closed: Mondays (following day if Monday is a holiday) and other special closures Cost: General Admission ¥3240 (Advance Ticket ¥3100), College Students ¥2160 (Advance ¥2100), Elem. & JHS Students ¥540 (Advance ¥520) * Picture of works exhibited at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art